Waves Growth-Change into a New Way of what?

Everyone has his own pace of identifying the signs….of what?

Has a period of transformation come over you, on to you? Maybe you didn’t notice that it has arrived or was on the way?

Let’s say that for 20 yrs you have been used to a living pattern, a continuous scene that you were part of and something disrupted the known details in front of you….

Like the nest of dynamics in the home filtering down to less participants in the daily interaction….

Or perhaps someone passed away after a long illness and the transformations in the household was like a new addition in the current book that came off the press 20 yrs ago….

What will draw your attention to the new abbreviated chapter?

Will the signs be clear? Directed at you? Or, could your awareness be blurred by the constant known and familiar?

How might you realize that something different is about to cross your way like taking a step over the threshold into a new house?

If our body is the shell of ongoing spirit that renews itself in a never-ending cycle of infinity, then, why are these steps there?

Behind each one of these steps is a story for us to learn and to grow from…

Will that shell, that body of ours, come out in a rash, lower back pain, stuck muscle or headaches?

Carlos Castaneda, in his book “the active side of infinity”, writes that we are in a never-ending story of our life stories renewing themselves from inception…in order to allow growth in the human experience that comes from change….

Have you tried sitting in meditation, as in Vepasina or any other life changing inner investigation, focusing on a dilemma you want to solve and then receiving a response from the ache in your leg or side or hands?

Will you recognize this request to pay attention to the ache and understand what is the emotion or past experience that you recalled…and then know what to do about it?

Transformation can come to each person at a different pace….

Knowing that all change is good, that progress comes and growth comes from being aware that there are options….

Can we accept the dilemma as a sign that it is time to make the change?

Or, perhaps it might feel like an ache in the lower back, neck or head just asking you to see the signs…

Will you know the signs, pay attention to your body, that is full of information connecting the body-soul and mind … jet propelling you into a new direction…

Dedicated to E.P and H, reedited on 15-02-2023.

Physiology unlocking the Heart of the soul

Physiology unlocking the Heart of the soul-Same or Different?

Interesting how the human body has so many systems, tiny parts like cells and membranes, neurons and synapses…

Yet it all comes down to two specific systems that make the rules… the Brain or the circulatory system of the Heart…

Which one will you go with?

Did you know that there is a balancing act? Like the circus juggler throwing the balls up in the air and catching one…deciding between what we put in and what’s going out.

Physiology explanations, *research lectures, Duke University, seem to explain the medical thought that is behind all these body organ systems interacting with our health.

That one of these systems will win out, or as can be said… one will take the priority…


Where in your body do you feel that you are putting so much into your thoughts, perhaps constantly thinking about some issue or person? When all this is happening in the background, it is definitely there, inside your body.

Is it showing you the signs? In Physiology it is called markers, like the results of your blood test. Is your marker level saying that you are putting in too much or much too little?

Then, what is it that you are putting out too much or too little- It’s Energy!

Let us just think of it as- where in your body are you putting this large amount of energy and into what?

And, then losing it as the energy comes out?  As if a leak is in the energy source within your body part…

If it all comes back to energy leakage or slipping, blocked energy , clogged or stuck…then….

Physiology medicine explains this as the variations, the fluctuations in the variables and that all this can be retuned. Bringing the system back to the initial set points. Meaning, reset can happen.

Do you know why? Change!

Nothing stays the same because everything is changeable.

Expect fluctuations, recognize that something, an inner feeling is actually going on. Maybe it’s new or maybe it’s something old. Identifying where you feel it in the body, then… you too can experience the change.

In Physiology it can be said that it’s not always possible to maintain everything at a constant set point.

In mind-body and soul conversation we say that nothing remains the same. We can welcome change and accept that this request is here, right now, before us…in this form called pain and suffering….

As if this special opportunity has arrived individually designed by you, for you. Can you allow yourself to face that thing inside you?

That something, an ‘it’, that you choose to change, only if you really, genuinely have a Want to make a something different happen.

Really looking at it, or into it, right there in that place in your body. Perhaps giving a new way to see those old thoughts, investigating those same deep-rooted habits, automatic behaviours. A Change- a new way to see something that you never knew could be…

Yes, we can reset the points in our system or brain, mind, as we investigate these thoughts or stories we tell ourselves repeatedly….

As if looking into the system of the Heart and asking – who takes the priority in the systems ?

Is it listening and looking at the Heart or staying with the Rational Mind, brain, that is churning out the same old issue, relationship or person? Or, is the Heart wanting the flow, asking for the oxygen and for the priority energy …making your mind Change?

If you really have figured out what you Want, your intention is clear with only your unconditional Want 100% – “I WANT HEALTH” in that place within you that is looking to heal….

…what system will take over in the hierarchy of importance in the maintenance of Life?

Whether you choose Alternative or Conventional Medicine treatments You can start right now… in any mind-body and soul connection process that you choose.

Checking it out with any book on the shelf, turning to reliable sources and someone known to be trustworthy that you feel good working with. Finding a reputable facillitator to guide you. Assisting you in the help you really Want- to heal.

Let it be YOU who wants the reset points to change, from the inside to the outside.

Many people have chosen to help themselves from within, the proof of lasting results.

You are welcome to join us.


The brain wants blood and while in all its relationship to all other of our organ systems, it can close the circulatory system to the Heart. If the brain wants blood, the brain gets blood. And yes, it can shut down the flow of blood to the system of the Heart.

The brain and the heart always win.

That thought in that brain, mind of yours, is begging you to CHANGE…   … Causing you pain, discomfort, aching, sorrow, suffering…

What change has to take place because you Want something different to happen?

…change in your thinking, then your understanding of some old stuff in a new way, communicating with the Heart. Sending blood and Life to the HEART of the issue, unblocking stuck energy, releasing the old and accepting the new…

Identifying, processing, understanding, then doing the old things differently …Change! giving you results in healing your health and in your personal growth for many, many years to come.

Health Life Growth

*Duke University Physiology Researchers, Emma Jakoi and Jennifer Carbrey

Let the Light in – around you

A sentence… “There is a crack in everything that’s how the light gets in”

Why would he write a sentence like this?

This specific line from Leonard Cohen’s song “Anthem”… What’s behind this?

Each one of us carries a light… the question is what are YOU going to do with it? Why should it be there?

It didn’t just happen that you arrived at this page. So, why the light and how can this help you through your time of healing from sickness, dis ease (as used by Louise Hay) or a painful period?

There is always something behind that light within us that is requesting our help…In order for the light to flicker within us, around us.

First, let’s identify that ache, pain or uncomfortable spot in our body. Now we are on the way to discover that process of healing that we all have within us but is sleeping… awaiting to be awakened.

Deep down, down and down some more, might be a dark place or spot that has been there for a long, very very long time. It’s been being held on to, real tight and effected by generations, or even centuries.

If we really look at this spot, investigate it, agree to meet the darkness, in the shape of fears, then, perhaps we too can bring in some Light…

Could it happen that you, also, can make your light within reflect outward, all around you?

Imagine the new experiences that glowing light will attract to you, the infinite opportunities that just happened to fall into your hand, the mistakes that you thought were just terrible turning into a chance to see the same old thing differently or a new way to accept its function in your everyday life….

Figuring out what we really, really Want, with no conditions attached, is a huge piece of work.

Finding a knowledgeable person with experience, reputation in helping people help themselves heal is the first step.

Someone to guide us through this fascinating journey that we have decided to take on. All the information is out there for choosing that healing process that suits us. Then do!

That spot inside you is begging for a Change…Are you agreeing to see the Light within you and then experience it around you?

What did Leonard Cohen know that flowed from through his arm to his fingers, writing a specific poetic sentence, ringing inside us… especially when we hear him sing it!

That Light within-all around us… if you have the true Want, that unconditional 100% desire to help yourself heal, then, finding that Light within you, whether with Conventional or Alternative treatment…you too can walk the corridor from Healing to 100% Health.

Health Life Growth

Healing Power within You



… …  essence … Appearing as a very thin word and floating across my minds eyes … …  essence …

What was that word doing there?

Checking again… yes, sure, it was definitely hanging there …essence…

In my numerous meditation sessions, while working on my healing and gaining insight into questions, this word had never appeared before me.

In this one second, in a space between thoughts, like a little wizzzzz in time… some space…then, ESSENCE…

Checking this out…

Meaning in Life ??

What are YOU doing here?

Let’s check…

After this Covid period of an extreme human pattern, YOU are still here!

So…. What are You doing here?

Yes, it is a personal time of sickness for you and Yes, it is your personal trials and tribulations and yet… Why are you here?

Are there some thoughts of those constant issues that seem all the time to be in the background, until they immerge in the foreground?

Perhaps a hidden moment, very personal, that is at the bottom of your sickness?

When you finally do look close at it, really ponder these thoughts and the reminders, do you feel uncomfortable? Like feeling something aching in the shoulder or neck, knee or feet, or stomach upsets or a part of you gives way to… to what are you trying not to listen to, nor get in touch with ?

Identifying an emotional uneasiness inside of that ache, sickness takes courage,

Sometimes this sensation, emotion or ill feeling comes back to catch your attention…

And now, your total attention is held by it, in that personal place within you, begging to be seen, investigated…There it is and waiting to be acknowledged, healed by your further clarification of what’s really going on inside of you.

Essence-What are you doing here?

Like a key to the code of the healing for your personal, individual, self-designed tool…. Can you accept a gift, or call it an opportunity to see clearly that something that has been buried in perhaps a tiny thought…been blown out of proportion, and requests of you to look at it with new eyes, with a new attitude or behavior…

…and emerge differently from this unique personal encounter…. Can you accept a gift?

I was given a gift of learning to help myself heal and I’m eager to share it with anyone who wants it …

Can you allow yourself to see that private, same old story, playing over and over again in your thoughts?

Essence-What are You doing here?

Like deciding to take this sickness and turning it into your own personal comeback into this Human experience called LIFE.

What are you doing here? Is there something you would like to Change and yet haven’t found the way to make it work?

What new discovery about your self is just waiting to be disclosed, to be seen clearly…

… and yet, you haven’t put your finger on it….

Let’s be curious….what is inside?

We all have the power inside us to help ourselves heal

All the information is out there, just put your hand on a book that jumps out at you, find a reliable guide with reputation for helping others heal from within and then Do…

Essence is within all of us… within YOU.

Is there a reason for YOU being here, now, at this period of time in the human experience going back 100,000 years ago?

Essence-the word lingered around in my vision.. . Why was it there?

tap for another Tip

Your Health-commitment

To what are we committed?

Are you going through a turbulence, a kind of hidden storm, underneath and within yourself?

Just as the world seems to be going through an upheaval, so is the inner conversation, inside of us, behaving like a disturbance?

In this time of drastic changes, swooping upon us and all around us…where can we find ourselves?

Right Here!

As the entire human race is going through a huge transition period in history so is the individual person feeling an undefinable evolving stage.

In the middle of all this chaos is one person, and an individual, going through an unstable phase…

As if accepting that all these changes we see around us is actually like a personal call for change within us.

Can we see this as an opportunity to release some old automatic habit and actually look around and see a different way?

Could this be THE time to focus on yourself?

Is your body requesting attention or to be heard by you?

Perhaps there is some ongoing dilemma, life issue, that is waiting for attention?

Let’s say that our physical body is a measuring stick. A unique tool, that we all have, supporting unlimited knowledge.

The highly intelligent tool, our physical body, can act as a transporter. How can we tap into this treasure of information?

There it is… Transforming a thought into an ache, pain or throbbing that we cannot, now, deny is there.

Will we listen to what it says?

Do we believe the story that this body is telling us or can we take this opportunity to say “I have had enough of this, it is time to look at this differently?”

 So, what if you ask a few questions like…

What change within me is requesting attention?

Or, what inside of you is asking for change?

Turbulence inside as on the outside.

Is it the call to take your Health under your responsibility?

What new guidance will come on to us in order to adapt to all these extreme occurrences in climate and weather, governance and leaders, individual or the group, differences and global cooperation…and our Health.

Not everyone sees their search for Health as committing oneself to accepting an inner working of the body.

Maybe it’s a new step for you to bring on your opportunity for change.

Like being in tune with the collective changes coming upon all human beings and each individual, at this time.

What are we committed to?


Could this be THE time to focus on yourself? Health … Life Growth

Observing CHANGE-part II

This morning I had become an observer… sitting at my table and seeing a senior couple waiting on line for coffee as their daughter, standing from the side, was instructing them on proper table reserving procedures …

Lacking patience for the ‘quick speed’ of results from the + 80’s couple and combined with criticism on the tables of busy clientele, the daughter spewed her anger out opposite her parents. Immediately the energy level hit low and became negative.

I found myself an observer in a bubble of silence viewing the whole scene as in slow motion… ‘Change’ … The thought flew by me so very quickly…

…Hasn’t she, the daughter, seen that her parents had moved onto a different pace…?

Finding myself feeling uncomfortable, as I was sitting next to them, I could sense my enjoyable surroundings turning into heaviness.

Will we accept Change as part of life flowing onward? Or, will we deny, refuse to agree or accept, that Change is around…

If the seasons of the year change without us doing a thing, then, evolving is flowing with ….

If you are going through a health situation that is taking up a lot of your thought or energy, then maybe you too can allow yourself to accept, receive what is now, investigate and learn something new about your Self… perhaps a request is lingering at your doorstep or a tapping underneath your thoughts?

Will you identify the deeper request, or the higher understanding, of ‘Change’?

Similar to a blockage, like a building standing there in front of you forever…have you checked what is behind it?

Can you be curious and explore what is in that place… in side of you?

Why is it blocking your view, refusing you the right to see? Is there something you can do to change this observation?

Can you move the obstacle ever so slightly and actually see something you never saw before?

Do you Want to help yourself?

Many people have done this exact observation before you…You are invited to join us…

The information is out there for all to see…if you Want it.

It’s up to you to decide, choose, that you want to help yourself heal and arrive at Health, 100 % and without conditions… all the way. That is exactly what I WANT!

You just gotta wanna…explanation-Want- in this site on Page “My Story” . Click here ))))

Knowing your System

Believing in a system, your system…. I had heard this before 11 yrs ago or had it been 12 yrs… seems soooo very far away…

Just a thought, but it was definitely there…

Had I forgotten it or had I put it on hold… or pause.. or … reform an old thought into a new perspective?

She met me at the Radiotherapy Hall as I had just completed my chemotherapy treatment, at the same hospital.

Helping people for life tools was N.’s trained profession as a N.L.P. counselor, however, her forte was her inept tool of seeing their aura, the energy light.  Understanding their life energies and relating it through her coaching. A valuable asset indeed.

Standing there in the hospital hall, both of us around for the same health reasons, she had transmitted to me a sentence that reverberated within me, nudged me or even stuck in me…

“It doesn’t matter what you believe in as long as you believe in something”.

I already knew that it was true… I had done the inside investigation into the ‘Source’ of this dis ease that had taken over my health…

I had met it straight on…faced it…delved into my cause of its creation inside my body…

…I arrived at a new understanding…a bold new perspective on a hidden story, belief, in my thoughts that manifested into… that I had translated into dis ease, Cancer in a tumor surrounding, hiding my left kidney… as the Dr. explained when he showed me the xray…

This was the beginning of a new path, a moment of truth for my system, both rationally and emotionally… will I face up to this adversity, obstruction in my life or will I ignore my action, or responsibility, to work on it?

So many years had passed. I grew with my first hand, on site understanding of the body-soul connection.

I had totally understood this intricate, yet all-knowing inner system that navigates us through life, and yes, … and beyond.

Why had this pause happened to me? What messages were there for me to understand?

For what objecive had my belief in a proven system been put on hold? Or rather, why did I take a break from my inner knowing as my tool for healing myself and arriving at Health?

This Corona period has certainly effected humanity and each person surely has a personal and individual story

What is yours?

Perhaps a breakdown in a system that gives and gave proven results is exactly the story that is needed to be investigated in order to bring Change…arriving at our wellbeing… because…

“It doesn’t matter what you believe in as long as you believe in something”.

Let your something be YOU…the belief that we all have the inner power to help ourselves heal, from the inside first and then, the outside physical results will arrive…

What needs to happen to you for YOU to understand that all Change is good and that you are blessed with a wake up call-Take your health into your own hands-make the system work for YOU, or do the work in order to be…Life! Amen.

Many people have done this before you, helped themselves heal … it doesn’t matter if you choose your inner energy to help you together with Alternative Medicine or even with or without Conventional Medicine… what is important is that you DO Choose

…Reach out to any book or gather information on a process that can help you hasten your healing from dis ease…giving you long lasting results… find a reliable guidance facilitator and then DO… you are welcome to join us


Observing CHANGE-part I

An interesting year this sure was! This reformation of the Human system has certainly made an effect on each one of us.

YOU alongside many, many others thrown into the same category…impressed upon them this new perspective on Health.

How do YOU see this year as your Health was demanding attention?

Can we compare it to the curiosity of arriving at a foreign country?

Or maybe, investigating a new surface…

As in…perhaps our body, health wise-personally-and maybe in the globe?

How exciting to find yourself in a new surrounding and being curious like checking out what’s down that street… hiding up the road, in that alley and behind an interesting building.

Taking a trip to a foreign country, is a routine … checking out the place, admiring the different architecture, buildings and the innovative storefronts.  Noticing the curled balconies, iron twists on the banisters or Mediterranean blue shutters on the windows…

What is behind those shutters? How do the people live in this new location?

Curiosity, as in investigating, searching what is really out there… behind the structures, fences and the gated houses?

Is this a good feeling? Can we allow ourselves to explore?

Making decisions that change our lives from what we know today to a new realization is similar to visiting a new place.

…and sometimes what we are accustomed to today might be difficult.

Will we know that a decision for change is upon us?

_ _ _ _ _ it went like this… Finding myself feeling uncomfortable as I was sitting next to them… continue to Observing CHANGE-part II

West fear, East positive option-part 4/4

Written –July 7, 2017, Part 4/4

What if you had a choice to see this Fear differently?

…If you can accept that the world goes around without you, that this is inevitable, and that you can choose to enjoy what there is on this realm? 

How can this be done if you live in Fear?

If we can accept that all change is good, that we can accept change and thrive on this positive value then maybe we can turn a fear into a friend, invite acceptance and give up a struggle, accept freedom of fear and the lightness that we can experience…

Because the world goes around without us doing a thing, being born and dying are the end of the same strand of thought and that is the way it is…

So when some one says to you that she struggled to live then you can ask-Why struggle? Perhaps accept what is, go with it and choose flow, acceptance and lightness then you can help the world progress into an era of transformations or accepting change, acceptance to receive the change in order to give us, to you personally, a better quality of life.

Choose whatever medical treatment you believe can help you.

Others before you have chosen alternative medicine and healing processes with or without Conventional medicine, with results.

We can combine the old and the new, the conventional medicine with body–soul work to get to the sources of our sickness.

Conventional medicine has made great gains and, in addition, the oldest cultures used other ways to help themselves thru sickness.

We can choose lightness and freedom having it all give us a sense of going easily or fear with struggle.

Written draft of July 7, 2017, published on this site on July 17, 2020 in 1-4 parts…

For all Humanity in this Time of Transformation, during this Corona period.

West fear, East positive option-part 3

Written July 7, 2017, filed in drafts-part 3/4

…like a strand of thin unspoken words, appearing within my awareness… change

Can we meet our fears, see them in a new light and then change the way we thought about that particular experience that threatened us?

Maybe it was just a story we fed ourselves because of what we perceived to be true? But, wasn’t really true.

It turns out, that in Buddhism, there is a silent focus to meditate your death as a daily routine.

Why should they bother?

Could this be a fear that can be seen differently?

With my teacher, in the study group on a few occasions, we have done this meditation of seeing our burial.

And you know what? We learned that to fear death was a waste because it was full of freedom, release.

Can you envision the good thing or the essence of your being that you leave on earth to others? Soak yourself in it and see how it feels.

So if for the East culture of deep Death meditation is calmness, freedom and release why is the Death for the Western culture filled with concept of fear lodged on regret and heaviness and burden?

What if you could change your story of death and perceive it differently? What would you gain?

And this is what the Pharmaceutical society, new research funding medicines and new hospital buildings with hundreds of freshly acquisitioned beds for Cancer cures are based on.

The Fear that you might end up down there.

What if you had a choice to see this differently? If you can accept that this is inevitable, that the world goes around without you and that you can choose to enjoy what there is on this realm?