TIPS for you

How TIPS can work…for you and your healing…

How can the jab of a needle evolve into a soufflé chocolate with hot creamy choco sauce, topped with fluffy whip cream and ice cream?

She laughs out loud every time she goes to the Oncology department for her jab of medication. B. explained how she uses my story.

She had asked me to help her during the periods of chemotherapy. My agreement was due to the fact that I myself had gone thru this therapy for Cancer and had chosen, for my healing process, both conventional and non-conventional approaches.

I know how the connection of mind-body, inner and universe energies helped me heal.

I received a gift and I wanted to give it to others, to those who wanted it too.

I had explained to B. that when I was due to receive my dose of this particular medication we had gone thru so much in order to receive the Regional Health Board permissions.

In our neck of the woods, this injection was not considered an ordinary prescription and there were huge limitations on its distribution. These difficulties led us running from a few pick up points until we arrived at the pharmacy dispensing the item.

We slid in the door just as it was closing for the weekend.

The Hematology department head had advised us to stick to an exact schedule, adhering to a ‘Swiss Watch’ time slot that would keep me on keel with my doses.

Breathless, we arrived home with the box of medication.

As I sat down ready for the puncture that will keep me up to date with the multiplication of my white cells, advancing me forward with my plan for health, the box top was delicately lifted.

Inside sat the tiny bottle of liquid but no needle!

Disbelief came over our faces and immediately my mind started to feed into rationalism replacing emotion, scanning for solutions that could immediately be employed.

After what seemed like infinity, but actually was a few minutes, we came up with two back up plans.

The first plan lingered, then back up plan two sprang into motion.

Flying out the door my jet-propelled husband drove to a neighboring dentist clinic and within twenty-five minutes he emerged beaming and holding an ultra-thin needle, ready for the jab.

We both took those breaths of pause, letting the clean air fill our chests and remit calmness, coolness. I settled into my chair. Wiping the needle, sterilizing the prong and then emitting the fluid into my muscle.

Then…psss.. like air that spurts out of a hot chocolate soufflé.

The kind with hot chocolate cake smothered with creamy warm dark brown choco sauce running down the sides, topped with whipped cream and ice cream.

As I stood up it came over me as a feeling of……psss . Just like the air coming out of that gorgeous fluffy airborne cake and my shoulders fell relaxed with ease, as I had made the deadline.

The hospital social worker, who first heard my story, roared with laughter as she commented on her shock as she was taken completely by surprise when she filtered the delicious sweet chocolate into my unexpected association with the jab.

Who ever thought that a chocolate kiss could add a burst of laughter to skin piercing?

As I heard B. explain to neighbors how she uses my story, laughs raucously as she is injected and the nurses react in amazement at her outward expression, I am reminded how tips from experience can help others.

This is for all of you who want to harness into your inner strength and help yourself heal.


Shelli Rice