
Dreams can help

What is the value of rest, what does it give to us?

Did you know that you can ask your body to reprogram its’ files before you fall asleep ?

And then what?

You receive updates…will you be aware of this in the morning?

Is there an aching in your body that requires extra attention?

Or is there a dilemma that is baffling you?

Rest can provide you with the on line answers

As we sleep our intuition is fastened to antennae’s drawing energy to our most deepest sources of thought. We can allow ourselves to use the sleep time for retrieving energy and building new healthy cells. Receiving answers to our questions.

How about programming the question into your thoughts before falling asleep?

As you fall asleep try concentrating on the part of the body for which you are requesting health or for the new ache that all of a sudden arose within you when you awoke this morning.

The special codes, made especially for you, are transmitted directly to you, in such an intelligent way that is unique to the distribution complexity of the universe.

You might want to ask yourself to be aware this morning of new signs, of this new information directed to you specifically.

Perhaps the answers will come to you in a whisper of a word or phrase. As if a thought that you noticed wasn’t there before and now it pops into your mind.

Or, remembering a dream that came to you in the night. Your guide through your processing method might know the value of dreams and advise you of the codes.

As we become more aware of our Presence, more attuned to power within ourselves to help ourselves heal, we are able to use this new information we have gathered from rest time.

Like updating the old system we are used to, the behavior pattern that we have been using over and over.

Maybe this worn out system hasn’t been working for you?

Is the answer to your question in a new system program that is requesting to enter and update the new system files, your thoughts, for your health?

Can this new information help you to see something new like turning your head in an angle of 180 degrees?

Louise Hays comments in her book “You can heal your life” that we can request to release the old behavior pattern locked there in that part of our body that is aching and request new information, a new behavior pattern…to bring ourselves health.

We can help ourselves heal.